Planning Board tonight is hearing the Objective Design Review Standards (Objective Standards) applicable to Multi-Family/Mixed Use and One- and Two-Family Developments, as Item 5A. #alamtg. Meeting starts at 7, meeting details here:|&Search=
Formal pdf agenda is
Planning staff is summarizing the changes that staff made in response to planning board direction #alamtg
Board asked clarifying questions, and now Christopher Buckley with a public comment with slideshow
He was the only speaker. Now Board discussion #alamtg
Board member Teague has lots of notes - he missed the prior discussion so he has more notes than he may have otherwise had.
Pres. Ruiz has notes too - some about the phrasing, some of the more practical things going to what the intention of the standards are. #alamtg
No other board members have comments. Board member Teague moves that the Board recommend approval with the modifications requested by Mr. Teague and Ms. Ruiz. #alamtg
After some more discussion, this passes. Now staff presents a conformance rezoning (Item 5B) for a property on Lincoln.
Appears to be some technical difficulties with applicant presentation #alamtg
Reminder that if you want to make a public comment or presentation on zoom in Alameda you need to update your zoom client regularly. #alamtg
Boardmember Curtis suggests that he is interested to move forward without the presentation. President Ruiz is going to move forward to public comments - there are none. Board comments next #alamtg
Motion passed unanimously without the presentation. #alamtg
And Planning Board is done until September! #alamtg