These are set and enforced by the moderators.
Do not use slurs or racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or otherwise discriminatory or hateful jokes or language; or promote white supremacy, anti-Semitism, transphobia, casteist, or other hateful ideologies.
Do not post content that is illegal in the USA or California.
This includes unlicensed media. We will remove copyrighted content in response to a valid DMCA notice per our policy.
Do not harass anyone, participate in group harassment of anyone, or otherwise engage in name calling or personal attacks.
Do not post or threaten to post other people’s personally identifying information (“doxxing”).
Do not tone police.
Do not “shitpost” hateful content
While humorous posts are allowed, even encouraged, “shitposting” is not an exception to rules 1 or 3. There are no ironic slurs.
Do not sell or promote cryptocurrencies or NFTs.
Do not litigate moderation decisions on the timeline.
You can direct message @moderators with concerns.
Mark content that contains nudity, gore, violence, etc. as sensitive and clearly label it with a content warning and/or hashtag.
Do not post spam.
There is additional information about what considers spam on the information hub:
Organizations must be based in the SF Bay Area.
See our Corporate and Organization policy for more details.