Public speakers.
The woman from Building 43 winery complains that she isn't getting the same thing they're getting.
Trish Spencer is saying, I think, that #Astra isn't doing as well as they could be. And calling them out for being white men. (?!?)
A kid? Very young at least. Berkeley student helping folks do their mechanical engineering homework. Very excited about Astra for the engineering connections.
(And very nervous; but you're doing fine kid!)
Yawn, Todd H coming back, saying how much he supports Astra. But asking if they got a pay or quit notice when they didn't pay the rent. Says it's racist. (wtf calls Boller a spy) (mentions Pryor again.... #hickmanHazing I guess)
Mayor pauses time to tell the person applauding in the back to stop.
"We try to act like adults"
Mayor threatens to kick out the applauding guy if he applauds again. Apologizes to the other council members. (Is Todd still yelling? the mike is picking up something.) Dunno, but the mayor just called a five minute break.