If a drop of water falls in a bucket at the rate of one drop per day, by the time the next drop falls in, the previous one has all ready evaporated, never collecting enough water to even have a sip to drink, much like the drip of support so many that are #disabled and living in #poverty receive, those drips as appreciated as they provide vital support, never flow fast enough to provide actual lasting meaningful relief, leaving those of us that are vulnerable without and often shamed for having to constantly ask for support to live, if for when it rains it could pour and fill the bucket, and provide for many days, so if support where to pour in, and bring true relief allowing those in need the means to live, if only people could see a drop in a bucket only adds up if it is constant, so much this disabled man living in poverty needs, but the random drops often come to infrequently and far less bountiful than what is needed, if only people could truly see the value in helping those like me, You can encourage my continued useless poetic commentary on random thoughts and events, and by doing so your helping to feed, house and clothe a #disabled man living in #poverty, $5-10-15 It All Helps, via #cashapp at $woctxphotog or via #paypal at paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=…
#Commentary, #thoughts, #insight, #environment, #humanity, #poem,