Behold! A machine that can tell the future!!!
Just got back from a PET scan. Five months after ending chemo and radiation for cancer, this is the big one... the day I learn whether I'm in remission or going back for more surgery and treatment. Fingers crossed.
And yes yes, I couldn't resist taking a picture of this oversized Polaroid camera :)
My oncologist, enthusiastically: Well Bob, I'm pleased to see some improvement since your last scan. Now let's see what the surgeon says after she puts a giant probe up your butt and takes a closer look.
Anyway, kidding aside, we're not out of the woods yet, it's not remission... but I am where I should be, 9 months out. I have a surgical exam in 2 weeks, another PET scan in 3 months, and the odds are in my favor. I'll take that.
The doctors and staff at Kaiser have been amazing: knowledgeable, compassionate, and skilled beyond belief. And my husband, well what can I say? He was a rock and I love him.
@BobHorowitz Crossing my fingers, too.
@BobHorowitz So very glad to read this!
@jeridansky Thanks, Jeri. I'm feeling upbeat.
@BobHorowitz thank you for the update, I had been wondering how things were going.
@dollarbin 2022 was a helluva ride - an anus horribilis, to misquote the late queen. But this year is starting out okay ;-)
@BobHorowitz I’m glad you’re feeling better. Perhaps one of these days I can roll through Noe Valley for a celebratory meetup.
@dollarbin I would love that!