While we were watching the sun set I told Summer we are going to have to keep a close eye on her pal. His temperature has been going up all day.
This always happens on the weekend.
I feel bad for him.
Now, I have to figure out how to wrangle some antibiotics.
Summer says we got this.
I hope so.
@NorcalGma2 oh noes!!! Let us know if you are able to get help for meds. That’s such a bad time to have something going on like that. My son Drew was and still is in bed all day - migraine. Hard not to worry, right? Buddy came up on the couch to sit close to me. Dogs know.
It is always a weekend. We will probably end up at the emergency room.
I hope the migraine gets better soon.
@NorcalGma2 That’s what my worry is too. If we went to ER here and Drew needed antibiotics, they could prescribe antibiotics but not give any. Possibly a shot but then you’re on your own to fill a prescription. I just hope for you both it’s not anything serious - but that’s pretty iffy. Think of you all.
@NorcalGma2 Summer is usually right.
@NorcalGma2 Here’s hoping it eases up.
@NorcalGma2 That's one of my favorite sunset photos! Best of luck to your and your husband.
I know that bad feeling. My spouse has had her iron level dropping for 3 months, even though she's taking iron supplements to treat that. Today she had to get a blood transfusion as her metabolism was dangerously low. At least that went well, she feels much better since this afternoon.
I'm so glad.
We are doing a little better too. His temperature is down to 100.
Nothing is easy or comfortable about any of this.
Take care.
@NorcalGma2 I hope his temp stays within reason until you can wrangle some antibiotics
Crossing fingers for you both.