"Medical horror stories from the first year since Roe v Wade has fallen:
• A #Louisiana patient had her water break at 16 weeks of pregnancy—too early for any #pregnancy to survive. She had to carry & deliver the dead #fetus painfully losing a liter of blood.
• A #Wisconsin woman bled for more than 10 days after hospital staff refused to remove fetal tissue from her incomplete #miscarriage.
• In #Ohio a women was sent home from the hospital after a miscarriage, still bleeding & without medical attention.
• Also in #Ohio a woman was blocked from getting an #abortion in the state even after tests revealed that her fetus had kidney failure & heart defects. Continuing the pregnancy put her life at risk, so the woman traveled to Michigan for an abortion.
• In #Nebraska police charged a 17-year-old & her mother with multiple felonies & misdemeanors after the pair allegedly conspired to abort Celeste’s pregnancy on their own.
• A 24-year-old woman fled her home state of #Wisconsin to get an #abortion in #Chicago, only to find out that, upon her return, the abortion may not have worked. Before Roe’s overturning, the doctor could have immediately helped her but now, with abortion banned in WI the woman had to wait, bleeding and at risk of going into deadly #sepsis.
• In #Louisiana, another woman was not able to get in-state abortions even though her #fetus was #nonviable. She had to travel about 1,400 miles to get an abortion in #NewYork.
• In #Ohio two children had recently fled to #Michigan & #Indiana for abortions after getting pregnant through #rape.
• Ohio, 2 women couldn’t get treatment for #cancer while pregnant.
• In #Arizona, a 14-year-old who used methotrexate to control her #RheumatoidArthritis had her prescription denied because, her doctor believes, #methotrexate can be used to end a #pregnancy.
• In #Florida, a middle school student who had become pregnant through #rape was denied an #abortion due to the state’s 15-week #abortion ban.
• A resident of #WashingtonD.C., visiting #Ohio over Labor Day weekend, she began to #miscarry a #fetus that wasn’t viable. The hospital emergency room released her & said good luck. Four hours later, lying in the bathtub, she became unconscious, returned to the hospital and waited some more.
• A #Texas man sued his ex-wife’s friends for allegedly helping her obtain an abortion. He accused them of contributing to “wrongful death,” & used text messages between his ex & her friends to make his case.
• In #Oklahoma, a 25-year-old woman with a #molar $pregnancy that is, a cancerous pregnancy that will never result in a baby was told to wait in a hospital parking lot until she became so sick that she could have an abortion.
• There are many more cases in the attached article."
Source of the excerpts: https://twitter.com/DarkBlue420/status/1671658410306310144?t=TiLCgB37z5Q6A27mI6m6mg&s=19