OK Here's our daily list of things to do that aren't calling your electeds - it's updated reguarly to give you new ideas.
TODAY - join the APWU protest in support of the post office here - https://apwu.org/day-of-action
Look for any recesses your electeds have and attend.
March 23rd, Join the NALC protest in support of the post office here - https://www.nalc.org/news/fight-like-hell
There's a special election on Florida you can help with. https://www.mobilize.us/joshweilforcongressionaldistrict6/
The Wisconsin Supreme Court election on April 1st. Let's make sure the Democrat wins. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BP1MgaJUp_c83H-eiwpqcDMeA-QfjbKDiga-HIL8ssg/edit?tab=t.0
With Trump making attacks on education and learning, get involved with your local library, from regular donations to regularly helping out.
Donate to help Ukraine at https://u24.gov.ua/ and https://savelife.in.ua/en/
Our own AG Bonta will be running again in 2026. Why not help him out? https://robbonta.com/
Find a group like Swing Left, Indivisible, and others to join!