“#MonkeyMan” is fun: great action, ok writing, shallow politics. Does next to nothing with supporting characters Alphonso and Sita. Why water down the #Modi satire so much if it’s going to get banned in India anyway.
Tries to reclaim #Hanuman from the Bajrangis, back to fighting for the oppressed. But it’s mainly about one guy’s trauma: “Oldboy” with a young boy.
#DevPatel returns to the setting of “Slumdog” and Danny Boyle’s propulsiveness, with a scene of slum kids relaying a stolen purse.
Patel’s final kill run is “Matrix”-like, god mode, powerful and effortless. #Hanuman was once cursed to forget his powers, Patel finally remembers them.
Like a monkey, Patel’s character is a biter. One kill leaves a brothel owner disfigured like Surpanakha. Another is a knife away from a puma kill.
The needle drops are clunky and too on-the-nose: “Roxanne” for an escort, Jefferson Airplane for a drug scene.
Funny that British Patel’s fighting a villain with lion and crown logos, called “Sovereign” Party, with a lieutenant named Rana Singh (king lion).
Fictional Yatana’s police jeeps look like Bombay’s, while the name sounds like Haryana.
Sikander Kher is a magnificent bastard cop, looks like a brute. 6’2” like #DevPatel, but much beefier.
Makarand Deshpande plays the stock evil godman, shades of “#SacredGames.” Wonder how it feels for a veteran Bombay actor to work for a British kid with the shallowest gloss on Hindu myths and Indian politics :)