Heard a scratch at the door. This little mooch, who I just fed an hour ago, is trying to guilt me into giving him more.
I didn't feed him again but I did sit with him for a few minutes.
#StrayCats #FeralCats #cats #kitty #kitteh #AlleyCats
44 years ago
Punk is taking over the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood
The Whisky a Go Go in July 1980. The Plasmatics supportet by Alley Cats.
Photo George Rose
Dianne Chai of The Alley Cats at the Hong Kong Café, Gin Ling Way in the Chinatown, Downtown Los Angeles in 1979.
Photo by Louis Jacinto
44 years ago
Dianne Chai, bassist of the band the Alley Cats, at the Hong Kong Café, Los Angeles, May 1979.
Photo by Louis Jacinto
Pioneer West Coast punk rock woman
Dianne Chai of the Alley Cats with her Gibson SG bass at the Hong Kong Cafe, Los Angeles, 1979. Photograph by Louis Jacinto.