ICE Detention: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver #politics #weirdGOP #LastWeekTonight #fascism
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) main story on ICE Detention!
#LastWeekTonight #LastWeekTonightWithJohnOliver #ICEDetention #IndefiniteDetention #PrivatePrisons #CoreCivic #Fascism #CharacteristicsOfFascism #JohnOliver
ok Fedi peeps; time for #Peertube
It's Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) main story on ICE Detention:
Well this story is at the right time, especially in light of the Tangerine Tyrants knuckle dragging gestapo now adding Brits and Germans to the list of people detained!
S12 E03: Trump, GOP Town Halls & ICE Detention: 3/9/25: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
#USpol #LastWeekTonight #Satire
John Oliver Says ICE Assertion That Detention Is “Nonpunitive” Is Like Claiming ‘Wicked’ Wasn’t Too Long: “Undercut By Empirical Evidence”
#News #ICE #JohnOliver #LastWeekTonight #Wicked
Yes, I watched #LastWeekTonight, and now I just wanna eat ice cream in bed, straight from the bucket.
Uh, new episode of #LastWeekTonight just dropped... clicking PLAY on those feels like playing Russian Roulette.
There's nothing you can do about this, I am just pointing it out. Instead of a tip maybe just don't blame them for the fact that Facebook never removes anything bad, or any obvious scammers. I am sure they want to remove them, but those managers I mentioned won't give them any agency at all to do the right things.
#Tips #TrustAndSafety #Moderation #Jobs #Work #Facebook #Twitter #Socialmedia #Finance #JohnOliver #LastWeekTonight #Mastodon is not #Linkedin #Lorry #GoToSleep!
If they did somehow get a tip, their department VPs and directors would almost certainly decide they deserved it more than the front-line workers.
I was shocked to see that the subminimum wage is just $2,13. That's outrageous! How is this even allowed?
According to the US Department of Labor you can learn all about it in the so-called Fair Labor Standards Act. Fair?
The fact that the minimum wage hasn't increased since 2009 is outrageous, too.
Not to tip doesn't help the people who are employed. As this one waitress explains: She has to give some of her earnings to other staff members when she doesn't get tips.
New entry on our website: "Tipping: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)"
I was aware of the major problems with subminimum wage and tipping, which leads me to tip when possible, particularly when I know the role is subminimum wage.
But I did learn some things.
Currently watching Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, as he discusses - Tipping
On the peertube: LastWeekTonight (unofficial mirror)
I don't know why I always think that ending Sunday with #LastWeekTonight is a good idea.
"I'm legally not allowed to say what I'm thinking, but I'm thinking it really hard."
— John Oliver, #LastWeekTonight
John Oliver promoted alternatives to big tech in last night's episode of #lastweektonight , including #mastodon and #pixelfed