An introspective question from @nick
Q3. What annoying thing do YOU do on rides? (yes YOU not others)
I ask this because I've caught myself coasting when im tired, peddle peddle coast peddle. It annoys me and i know its annoying if you're behind someone that does this.
(update to add some clarity:
@ascentale @nick @bikenite I take far too many photos. I would go as far as saying an unreasonable number. This is partly why I have such a poor average speed. I definitely don't cycle for the PRs. I like distance, calories burned and how much I've enjoyed the scenery. The rest doesn't matter to me, but it probably does matter to fellow cyclists. #BikeNite #BikeToot
@Cycling_Liz @ascentale @nick @bikenite Taking too many photos is awesome!
@dgodon @ascentale @nick @bikenite You'd think, but I have thousands of them!
@Cycling_Liz @dgodon @ascentale @nick @bikenite I have, uh 96,000 photos…